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Is Buddhism of actual importance to our age?(4)


Finally every Buddhist meditation serves to attain this emptiness.

Thus the founder of Chan and first Patriarch, the Indian Prince Bodhidharma, could answer the question of Emperor Wudi: “What is the Holy of Holiest in Buddhism?” with “There is nothing of holiness, it is emptiness”.

Without the very experience of both great forces, suffering and liberation of suffering, man can but face the flaring up of cognisance, whether flash-like or slowly developing, devoid of understanding and nearly helpless, seeking and reproachfully, complaining and accusing, until he is lived to see it. Then, he has definitely gone beyond Hinayana and Mahayana, Chan and Amithaba, Dharma and Abhidharma. Such a one has, to say it plainly and without pretention, gone the way of liberation from suffering with or like the Buddha. He has attained his end.

That is how I, in broad outline, see the Buddha-Dharma. That is how I have lived it since 37 years.

I hope my words might help you see that the Buddha-Dharma has, in truth, something to say to the man of our age. Its concern is, purely and simply, the human problem of the cognisance of suffering. And what age can do without that!

Let me finish with the brotherly Buddhist salutation:

Bliss and happiness to all sentient beings!

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