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Buddhism Bibliography(4)


Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Tweed, Thomas A. The American Encounter with Buddhism 1844-1912. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1992.
Tworkov, Helen. Zen in America: Profiles of Five Teachers. San Francisco: North Point Press,
Walker, Susan, ed. Speaking of Silence: Christians and Buddhists on the Contemplative Way.
New York: Paulist Press, 1987.
Ways of Work, Dynamic Action: Nyingma in the West. Berkeley: Dharma Publishing, 1987.
Whitlock, Brenda E. "Buddhist Temple (1993 -present): A Historical Narrative." Pluralism
Project Research, 2004.
Whitney, Kobai Scott. Sitting Inside: Buddhist Practice in America’s Prisons. Boulder, CO:
Prison Dharma Network, 2002.
Williams, Duncan Ryukan and Christopher S. Queen, ed. American Buddhism: Methods and
Findings in Recent Scholarship. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 1999.
Williams, Duncan. "The Americanization of Buddhism; the Case of Portland, Oregon."
Pluralism Project Research, 1992.
Wilson, Jeff. The Buddhist Guide to New York. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2000.
Wilson, Jeff. "Mapping Richmond (Virginia)'s Buddhist Community." Pluralism Project
Research, 2003.
Winston, Diana. Wide Awake: A Buddhist Guide for Teens. New York: The Berkeley Publishing
Group, 2003.
Yoon, Haeyoung. "Korean Buddhism in New York City." Pluralism Project Research, 1992.
Zhu, Caifang. "United Celebration of the Buddha's Birthday." Pluralism Project Research, 2003.