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The Science of Compassion(5)



Neuroscientists have confirmed that through meditation changes can take place that improve our health and our sense of well-being. It is encouraging and refreshing to realise that what the Buddha taught more than 2500 years ago is now being brought to the 21st century in the scientific language of our time. Not only does this enrich and give a profound perspective to what could otherwise be a cold and soulless discipline, but it also de-mystifies ancient teachings which describe states of consciousness in language that seems to place them beyond our reach. When presented in the language in our time we begin to realise that we are as capable now of treading the path to enlightenment and compassion as the Lord Buddha and his disciples were thousands of years ago. It is simply that today our methods may be different.

Observing mind and doing mind training is possible for everyone.  It makes a person more mature and develops their loving kindness and compassion. Inner peace can be reached! Less mistakes are made and this positively influences a person’s family, then - his or her neighbours and through this the environment and ultimately the world.

The world is influenced by human beings. So, if we want to change the world into a compassionate and positive place, then each one of us has to change individually and positively.  This can be done through facing, accepting and dealing with our emotions.

1 Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche: The Joy of Living, p. 47