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Biographies of Eminent Monks in a Comparative Perspective:(10)


P 497
the edges of Zurcher's "gentry Buddhism", might result in a rather different picture of the Buddhist Conquest of China. But I am here running way ahead of myself. In order to carry out this project properly I will have to learn a great deal more about the dramatic changes that took place both in the cities and rural villages between the 4th to 6th centruy. Our discussion of the loci and function of the "holy" based on a study of carefully chosen biographies from Huijiao's collection could then proceed to a broader investigation of the dynamics of medieval Chinese society.

In any case, it would owe a great debt to Peter Brown's work on late antiquity, and to his powerful insights that holy men function in society in certain ways as that society is undergoing significant change. It is there that I believe we need to focus our attention ─ on the underlying principles of Peter Brown's investigation, looking closely at medieval China itself, rather than on any comparison between Chinese and Western holy men as discrete and comparable categories.

Key words

Huijiao (Hui-chiao).
Biographies of Eminent Monks (Gaoseng zhuan).
Arthur Wright.
Peter Brown.

P 498


Baochang 宝唱
 Chiting 赤亭
Chu sanzang ji ji 出三藏记集
 Daming 大明
Daoxuan 道宣
 Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林
Fozu tongji 佛祖统纪
 Fuyang 富阳
gantong 感通
 Gao 高
Hangzhou 杭州
 Huichang 会昌
Huiji 慧基
 Huijiao 慧皎
Huiyi 慧义
 Hyiyuan 慧远
Jiang 江
 Jiankang 建康
Kosoden no seiritsu (jo, ge) 高僧传成立
 Kuaiji 会稽
Liaodong 辽东
 Lingyin 灵隐
Lingyuan 灵苑
 Linquansi 临泉寺
Longhuasi 龙华寺
 Lun yue 论曰
Makita Tairyo 牧田谛亮
 Meisodensho 名僧传抄
Mingxiangji 冥祥记
 Qian Liu 钱镠
Qiantang 钱塘
 Sengyou 僧佑
shenyi 神异
 Shiji 史记
Shixing 始兴
 Sima Qian 司马迁
Sosho 宗性
 Tanchao 昙超
Wu 武
 Wuyue 吴越
Xianmingsi 显明寺
 Zhipan 志盘
Zhiyuansi 祇洹寺
 Zhu Huili 竺慧理