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The Tradition of the Lotus Sutra Faith in Japan(5)


reverence can be found. In addition to particular literature reflecting Lotus Sutra
reverence, like the Honchō Hokke Genki (本朝滕華験記), the Lotus Sutra often appears
even in narrative literature, like the Konjaku Monogatari (今昔物語). Recently, research
that focused on the Hokekyō Dangi (滕華經談義) of the Tendai sect was published in
the Chūsei Hokekyō chūshakusho no kenkyū (中世滕華經滨釈書の研究), written by
Tetsumichi Hirota. And, exhibitions featuring the “Art of the Lotus Sutra” were held at
the Nara National Museum, and contents of the exhibits were introduced in popular art
books like Art of the Lotus Sutra (滕華経の美術), edited by Bunsaku Kurata and
Yoshio Tamura. Heike-nōkyō (平家納經) is a very famous book that is often quoted. The
Genji Monogatari (源渏物語) is internationally known through its English translation,
and in Japan it is very popular among women. Not only from the viewpoint of literature,
even among the Buddhist researchers, references to the Lotus Sutra in the Genji
Monogatari (源渏物語), and the deep understanding of the sutra that it reflects, is
highly appreciated, and many books and research theses are written about it. Not only
that, research is often done on the way of rituals, discourses, chanting, and particular
ways of recitation it describes.
Because of the appeal of such literature, the number of people who are becoming
attracted to the Lotus Sutra is growing; and through participation in traditional Buddhist
faiths or through involvement in new movements, interest in the Lotus Sutra is increasing.
This increasing interest, the Lotus Sutra related literature, and the Lotus Sutra’s
integration into Japanese culture, are all reflected in the “reverence for the Lotus Sutra”
movements. Western researchers are currently doing very excellent work on this point.