论坛事务区》 《莲心佛音区
莲心研修区》 《莲心红尘区
高僧|法师 大德|居士
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K, Ch'en: Economic Background of the Hui-chang Supperssion of Buddhism, HJAS. Vol. 19. 1956.

四、结 语




p. 283

在当今工商业社会,物欲洪流,钱浪淘淘,人类康庄大道在那里,何去何从。笔者介绍过去研究佛教经济的成绩,作一回顾,亦让我们对这相传有二千五百多年的佛教,有「信」、「解」、「行」、「证」丰富经验的史实,重新再作 一评估,可温古知新,对今后人类的前途多一些理智的思考。再者,希望有志之士再作一前瞻﹗

p. 8

Retrospect on the Research in Buddhist Economy

by Wu Yung-meng

Economic problems arise from the discrepancy between limited material resources of the society on the one hand and infinite human desires on the other hand. How does Buddhism deal with them? As research in Buddhist economy one either concentrates on the theoretical side of doctrine or on factual life, it divides into two main fields: economic thought and economic history.

Buddhist canonical scriptures provided manifold proposals concerning the solution of livelihood problems in the newly established order, and later on, the viewpoints of Hinayāna and Mahāyāna

p. 9

differed, too. This belongs to the realm of economic thought while the historical treatment of the actual economic life of both the order and Buddhists all over the world is to be relegated to economic history.

This paper collects data on research in Buddhist economy and provides a retrospective analysis of its achiev~ments. Important books and major papers-- on the subject are separately introduced. Due to differences in terms .of the spread of Buddhism and the consultation written materials, most work has been done by Japanese, followed by Chinese. Westerners bring up the rear only.

In the past, the usual methodical approach has been the historical one, but since calculus is widely applied in modern economics, this research method is bound to change. And further more, at this juncture where we are pondering the pending economic problems humankind faces today, the Buddhist experience in dealing with these questions may benefit us. Looking back helps us to look forward.