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   泰国玛古德大学成立于公元1893年,为泰国拉玛五世王(RAMAⅤ)所立。是以栽培僧伽人才为主要, 玛古德大学是随以法宗派的大学.起初是以巴利佛学为主 ,后来为了应社会之进步,大学增加有四个学系,四个学系皆有学士班、硕士班、博士班以及国际班(目前国际班是用英语教学)。四个学系为:   1.   佛教学系  2.   教育学系  3.   人文学系  4.   社会学系  全国共以7各分校 ,僧俗二众皆可入学进修 办学目标以培养弘法人才为主 和摩诃朱拉隆功佛教大学共同发展佛教教育   The university 's policies 
   1. Producing graduates to become well on Buddhism knowledge with high quality in both knowledge and good conducts abiding the Buddhism holy teachings.
   2. Searching new sources of Buddhism knowledge including the other sociology, arts and cultures.
   3. Providing Buddhism services to the public, because the university acts as the Buddhism education center.
   4. Attempting to preserve and promote the national arts  and cultures. Increasing the society immunity against the inappropriate culture flow - in and maintaining the Thai nationalism with remaining the Buddhist practices and its cultures.
   5. Applying the modern styles into the university administrations such as concentrating the university's transparency, righteousness, efficiency and good welfare system. Therefore the university has to become well-prepared for all informal education and conduct on the so-called the life-long learning systems.    Public Services 
   The university establishes academic service programs for the public, for example  running the Buddhist Sunday School, providing program of teaching Buddhism teachings in Schools, organizing the novices ordination in group and setting up the young spiritual development camps during summer vacation, training teachers who will teach Buddhist subjects in schools.   Training the abbot-level senior monks, organizing the mental rehabilitation center for  AIDS patients and delivering lectures for the public including private talks on each other on Buddhism teachings through the mass media,  such as televisions,  radios and issuing some Buddhism articles on newspapers