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山西省五台山文化研究中心 肖黎民



关键词:文殊智慧  六妙法门  和谐原理  佛教哲学  人文精神

Principles of Harmony in Manjusri Wisdom

Xiao Limin


The Sanskrit name Manjusri is interpreted as “excellently auspicious," i.e., Manjusri Wisdom is hard to express in words and inconceivable. Corresponding with emptiness, responded with truth, interlinked with outside, fused with inside, harmonized with human, and communicating with objects by the Six Excellent Dharmas. Manjusri thereby regards all existences as perfect and interfused, all things as equal, all things as harmonious and unified. Because of infinite hugeness and infinite smallness, no boundaries could be seen and one could attain a sense of transcendence, the principle of harmony, the state of perfect penetration without obstruction, the dharma gate of freedom and the power of excellent transformation. By studying Manjusri Wisdom we not only return to the original meaning of Manjusri Wisdom systematically, but also reconstruct the characteristics of Manjusri Wisdom in a philosophical sense. It is the systematic principle of harmony and perfect penetration which is inherent in Manjusri Wisdom that makes it possible for us to finish modern transformation creatively in the new historical background, and supplies intrinsic basis of Buddhist principle for constructing a new humanistic system?new “Six Harmonies",namely People's geniality, family harmony, interpersonal amiability, humanistic peace, social harmony and world peace.

Manjusri Wisdom is an organic component of Chinese traditional culture as well as the cream of eastern Buddhist culture. Manjusri Wisdom contains the organic view of integrity, dialectical thinking,transcendence, and the spirit of perfect penetration and harmony. In addition, it is significant to the contradictory multi?polarized society today, and undoubtedly it is a best remedy that brings relief to all beings in curing all kinds of “modern diseases" caused by “duality" (separation between subject and object; self and others etc.). In the course of the Return and Reconstruction of Civilization, modern people may gain distinctive inspiration and beneficial enlightenment from the Wisdom.



