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Eka 会下

A term for the group of monks who all trained under the same certain roshi. or at the same temple.

Eko 回向

The dedication read after recitation of a sutra, to direct the merit gained from the recitation to a certain person or group.

Enpatsu 远钵

Mendicancy done at a long distance from the monastery, usually lasting a full day or longer.

Enzu 园头

The monastery vegetable garden, or the gardener.

Fusu 副司

The temple officer in charge of financial affairs. Nowadays the position is combined with that of shika.

Fuzui 副随

The fusu’s assistant, in charge of financial affairs and miscellaneous matters.

Gidan 疑团

The “ball of doubt” that fuels a monk’s drive to practice and to attain enlightenment.

Gyojuzaga 行住坐卧

The “four postures” of walking, standing, sitting, and lying down.

Gyosho 晓钟

The morning ringing of the large temple bell.

Gyodo 行道

A way of sutra chanting during ceremonies, in which the monks chant while walking in line inside the ceremony hall.

Geju 偈颂

A verse.

Goannai 御案内

To forcibly take a monk to sanzen in order to help him resolve his koan.

Gomai 合米

A type of takuhatsu in which individual monks go to designated households once a month to receive rice set aside by the family for the monastic community

Haju 把住

“Taking in”; one of the aspects of Zen training, that of strickness or tension. See also hogyo.

Han 板

A thick rectangular wooden board hung in front of the zendo; one of the narashimono used to signal times at the monastery.

Handai 饭台

The long, low tables used when eating meals in the jikido.

Hanka fuza 半跏趺坐

The half-lotus sitting position.

Hashin kyuji 把针灸治

Lit., “to grasp the needle, to treat with moxa.” Hashin kyuji are days before sesshin during which the unsui can rest, repair clothes, and treat illnesses.

Hogyo 放行

“Letting go”; one of the aspects of Zen training, that of relaxation or loosening. See also haju.

Hokku 法皷

The large temple drum beaten to signal the beginning of teisho or a ceremony.

Horo 法腊

The length of time since tokudo; one’s career as a monk.

Hyoseki 评席

A senior monk who serves as one of temple officers: the shika, jikijitsu, and jisha. Roughly synonymous with yakui.

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