Zen in the art of troubleshooting. (systems library techniqu(4)
时间:2008-01-22 20:37来源:American Libraries,Jan 1994作者:Terry Ba… 点击:
it out for repair. However, I have found that only one percent of my
cases need to be sent out. As someone with no technical background
and little formal education in computer science, I feel pretty good
about that score. The point is not that I am an extraordinary
troubleshooter--it's that if I can learn to do this anybody can.
I could offer more examples, but more might cloud the issues and
thus tell you less. The above statement is similar to a Zen koan, a
kind of puzzle Zen masters give to students to make them think
beyond their normal frame of reference--and to drive them crazy. The
modern equivalent is minimalist comic Steven Wright's story about
buying a cordless extension cord.
One of the most famous Zen koans is the question, "Does a dog have
Buddha-nature?" I suggest you meditate on these questions: Does a
systems librarian have Buddha-nature? Does a computer? But first,
you must hear the rest of the famous koan concerning dogs: "If you
answer yes or no, you lose your own Buddha-nature."
Parallels between Zen masters and systems librarians:
Zen Masters Systems Librarian
GOAL Satori--the state of Solving the problem
perfect enlightenment. so I can go back to
reading my e-mail.
METHODS Meditate to achieve Play with things
a blissful state. until they start
Think about Zen koans: Read the manual:
impossible sounding impossible sounding.
puzzles that lead to a directions that lead
state of no-mind. to the state of no-luck.
Being hit with a stick. Hitting the computer
with a stick.
Fasting. Eating.
SURVIVAL Gong into the village Going to the peer
with a rice bowl review committee