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Rebuilding and redefining Chinese Buddhism on Taiwan(9)


Hsing, Lawrence Fu-Ch'üan: Taiwanese Buddhism and Buddhist Temples. Taipei: Pacific Cultural Foundation, 1983.

Huang, Chien-yu Julia: Recapturing charisma: Emotion and rationalization in a globalizing Buddhist movement from Taiwan. PhD dissertation, Boston University, 2001. 342 pages. The dissertation examines the “Ciji” (Tzu-chi Gongde Hui) (Compassionate-Relief Merit Society), a Taiwanese transnational Buddhist humanitarian foundation with a charismatic female leader.

Hubbard, Jamie; Swanson, Paul L. (Eds.): Pruning the Bodhi Tree – The Storm over Critical Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997.

Jiang Canteng 江燦騰: Xiandai zhongguo fojiao sixiang lunji 現代中國佛教思想論集 [Aufsatzsammlung zum Denken des Chinesischen Buddhismus der Gegenwart]. 2 Bde. Taipei: Xinwenfeng 新文豐, 1990.

Jiang Canteng 江燦騰: Xiandai zhongguo fojiaoshi xinlun 現代中國佛教史新論 [Neue Betrachtungen zur Geschichte des Buddhismus im heutigen China]. Gaoxiong: Ren jingxin Foundation 人淨心文教基金會, 1994.

Jiang Canteng 江燦騰: 20 shiji taiwan fojiao de zhuanxing yu fazhan 20 世紀台灣佛教的轉型與發展 [Wandel und Entwicklung des taiwanesischen Buddhismus im 20. Jahrhundert]. Gaoxiong: Ren jingxin Foundation 人淨心文教基金會, 1995. 

Jiang Canteng 江燦騰: Riju shiqi Taiwan xin fojiao yundong de duncuo yu zhuanxing  日據時期台灣佛教文化發展史 [Entwicklungsgeschichte der buddhistischen Kultur Taiwans unter der japanischen Kolonialherrschaft]. Taipei: Nantian 南天, 2001 (a).

Jones, Charles Brewer: Buddhism in Taiwan – Religion and the State 1660-1990. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1999.

Kan Zhengzong 闞正宗: Taiwan fojiao yi bai nian台灣佛教一百年 [Hundert Jahre Taiwanischer Buddhismus]. Taipei: Dongda東大, 1999.

Kuo Liying: “Aspects du bouddhisme contemporain à Taïwan.” Études thématiques 6 Renouveaux Religieux en Asie (École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 1997). 83-105.

Lan Jifu 藍吉富: Ershi shiji de zhongri fojiao二十世紀的中日佛教 [Chinesischer und Japanischer Buddhismus im 20. Jahrhundert]. Taipei: Xinwenfeng新文豐, 1991.

Lan Jifu 藍吉富: Liangan foxue jiaoyu yu foxue yanjiu huigu yu qianzhan 兩岸佛學教育與佛學研究回顧與前瞻 [Buddhist education and Buddist studies in Taiwan and China. Retrospect and prospects]. Unpublished conference paper distributed at the cross-straits conference on Buddhist education Liangan foxue jiaoyu yanjiu xiankuang yu fazhan yantaohui兩岸佛學教育研究現況與發展研討會, 10 - 11. 11. 2001, in Taipei.

Lan Jifu 藍吉富 (Ed.): Zhonghua fojiao baike quanshu 中華佛教百科全書 [Encyclopedia of Chinese Buddhism]. 10 vols. Taipei: Zhonghua fojiao baike wenxian jijinhui中華佛教百科文獻基金會, 1994.

Li, Yu-chen: Crafting women's religious experience in a patrilineal society: Taiwanese Buddhist nuns in action (1945--1999) (China). PhD dissertation, Cornell University, 2000. 425 pages. This dissertation explores the cultural and religious implications underlying the enthusiasm of Taiwanese women to Buddhist bhiksuni (the fully ordained Buddhist nun) in post-war Taiwan.

Luo Guoming羅國銘: Taiwan dangdai zaijia fojiao zhong deweiman zhuandao xiehui 台灣當代在家佛教中的維鬘傳道協會 [Die Organisationen zur Verbreitung der Lehren der Sutren Vimalakirti und Srimala im Laienbuddhismus des heutigen Taiwan]. Unveröffentlichte MA-Arbeit.??

Ting, Jen-chieh: Helping Behavior in Social Contexts: A Case Study of of Tzu-Chi Association in Taiwan. University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1997 (UMI #9722734).

Wang Shunmin王順民: “Dangdai taiwan fojiao bianqian zhi kaocha當代台灣佛教變遷之考察 (The Change of Buddhism in Contemporary Taiwan).” Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal 中華佛學學報, Nr. 8 (1995).

Welch, Holmes: The Practice of Chinese Buddhism, 1900-1950. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967.

Yang Huinan 楊惠南: Dangdai fojiao sixiang zhanwang 當代佛教思想展望 [Überblick über Denkansätze im heutigen Buddhismus]. Taipei: Dongda 東大, 1991.

Zhu Wenguang 朱文光: Fojiao lishi quanshi de xiandai zongji 佛教歷史詮釋的現代蹤跡─以印順判教思想為對比考察之線索 [The modern traces of hermeneutics of Buddhist history – Using the Panjiao thinking of Master Yinshun for comparative studies]. Unpublished MA-thesis, Zhengzhi university (Taipei), 1996.

[1] Especially Jiang Cantang (s. bibliography). The most accessible accounts in Western languages are Jones (1999) and Günzel (1998).

[2] For outlines of the three Zhaijiao sects on Taiwan see Jones (1999), 14-30, and Lan (1994) vol.9, 5753-5756.

[3] The ‘five pungent herbs” are onion, garlic, leek, scallion and chives.

[4] Lan (1994) vol.9, 5755.

[5] There were a number of these associations (Jones (1999), 66-80). The most important being the South Seas Buddhist Association (Nanying fojiao hui) that represented the most comprehensive Japanese approach to organize Buddhism in Taiwan. It was hardly more than an agency of the colonial government, its newsletter, however, became the main organ for a comparatively open discourse on Buddhism in Taiwan.