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高僧|法师 大德|居士
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【英文摘要】This thesis aims to study how Buddhist organizations or individuals design and develop religious courses to upgrade teaching quality and improve social development.
   This research’s key elements are as follows: feasibility study on elementary school’s religious courses, the analysis of fundamental Buddhist education courses oriented by primary course design models as theoretical basis for elementary school religious courses. It also offers a reference framework for Buddhist education course on the bases of current situation of the courses design and development of art , meditation training and moral education (with religious spirit ).
   Out of the analysis of both the documentation and the field study come the following findings. First, Buddhist groups or individuals have always been the providers for elementary school Buddhist courses. Second, the popularity of religious education depends on religious teachers. Third, students are more attracted to courses with various interesting activities. Fourth, the success of religious education relies on the support of the authorities concerned. However, most of the teaching materials in use, compiled by certain groups or based on personal experiences, are lacking theoretical exploration. The implement of such courses can be built-in or independent. As far as time is concerned, religious courses are usually conducted in group activities, morning recess, or the first 3 to 5 minutes before class kicks off.
   In terms of the goal and the questions of the research, we offer the following conclusions: Firstly, the practice of religious education in elementary school is feasible and necessary. Secondly, the religious course design and development should follow the principles of “all men are equal,” “spiritual inspiration,” “free will,” and “ considering both yourself and other people.” According to different areas and students’ background, we should choose suitable course design and model. Thirdly, the basic elements in course design and development are related, continual and influential to each other. Furthermore, the design and development of religious course in elementary school must consider the principles, elements and developing process of religious education, and to build up the blueprint of the religious education course design and development in elementary school. To offer as reference for those who are interested in this. Besides, the Buddhist education in elementary school is based on “all men are equal,” “spiritual inspiration,” “free will,” and “ considering both yourself and other people,” and to develop its educational spirit. Lastly, the development of the religious course design in elementary school is polarized into two ways─the ideas of religious leaders and individual insights.