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【英文摘要】The community activities of education held by civil temples in Tainan County at present and the methods of development ABSTRACT
   The Chinese traditional temples are one of the very important elements in social moral education of the Confucianists and the belief center for the community inhabitants as well. In order to adopt themselves to the social modernization, temples should have close contact with communities, consider the life of inhabitants and needs of education so as to develop the social educational function of temples besides the traditional beliefs. In recent years, many temples hold community activities of education and get good effect in return. Prompted by the shortage of the relevant academic research in Taiwan, and hope to have some understanding of the community activities of education developed by temples, the study of “   The community activities of education held by civil temples in Tainan County at present and the development methods” is put into action. The goal is to understand the community activities of education held by civil temples, the developing methods of community activities of education held by civil temples and whether there is any difference in holding these activities because of unlike backgrounds. In the end, the result of the study is supplied as references for civil temples in holding community activities of education.
   For achieving the goal mentioned above, this study is put into action by using   Questionnaire Survey and Interview Research Method. According to the result found through the research methods, the conclusion is induced as follows.
   1. The community activities of education held by temples should be comprehensive, including education, folk customs, arts, physical activities and festivals, etc. Temples should do the nonprofit activities of charity and consider the community problems.
   2. The problems that the temples face in holding community activities of education are the shortage of budget, professional manpower, people undertaking the activity and the low attendance rate of community inhabitants.
3. When holding community activities of education, temples can hold these with other civil organizations or the government institution and seek for social resources so as to solve the shortage of the resources.
   4. The relationship between temples and the community inhabitants is often good. Community inhabitants support the activities held by temples enthusiastically. Also, the activities are often appreciated.
   5. The situation for temples to hold community activities of education is often different according to the established time, the activity space, the members of the organization, the type of the community and the educational level of the people who undertake the activity.
   6.Most temples hold the community activities of education according to their festivals so as to achieve the function of belief, education and the amplification of promoting effects.
   7.The developing methods for temples to hold community activities of education are organizing the planning group, evaluating the need of the community, promoting the activity, using the community resources, amplifying the contact with the outside, holding a self-criticism meeting of the result and amplifying the effect.