A Review of Metaphysics: East & West(2)
时间:2008-01-23 11:59来源:Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal,Vol作者:Kenneth … 点击:
scientific field. This became all the more obvious since the
acceptance of the evolutionary nature of things. If elements
are then unfixed or non-static by nature, then a new world
of understanding had dawned.
The paradoxical new situation however was that man's ideas
could not keep up with the world of changing tangible entities.
That is to say, because change is a more elusive and difficult
concept to grasp than permanence, human minds began to
concentrate on the obvious tangible entities which seem to
give the impression of durability and stability. Our minds
and perceptions could not simply get away from the precision
and power of mathematics as a model. Somehow the intangible
nature of ideas got lost in the perceptual shuffle for
objective understanding. The inclination for the tangibles
and permanence won out decisively. This has the story of
materialism, East and West, where the false substitution of
the stable for the instable began to rise and dominate the
very lives of men.
If such is the case, what has man East or West done to
alleviate the condition ?
Not much, to be sure, but East nor West could ill afford to
remain silent and passive for long. The time to act is long
In rapid succession, starting with the new Einsteinian
physics through indeterminancy principles and quantum
physics and to present day sub-atomic or particle physics,
we have seen the rapid deterioration of substance-oriented
physics. The irony of it all is that the non-physical world
has been awfully slow in keeping up with the discoveries in
the physical world. That is, there is an inherent inability
on the part of human beings to fit in or adapt to the on
going changing phenomenon in nature. As a result, a
tremendous lag, a kind of cultural or ideological lag of
monumental proportion has arisen.
In a sense, this lag is a kind of built-in phenomenon
based on biological function. That is to say, where the
sense faculties are able to distinguish and report honestly
their respective perceptions or perceptual data, their
contents have been interpreted by the mind pretty much along
peripheral lines. In consequence, the understanding we have
of the perceptual data have been superficial and
fragmentary. This kind of perceptual understanding has been
going on for quite some time but it was rendered more
obvious in the modern period ever since the appearance of
Cartesian dualism. Descartes' famous dictum, cogito ergo sum
(I think therefore I exist) is the climax of man's attempt
to crown human reason or mind over the total nature of human
perceptions. It was the triumph of mind over body but with a
vengeance unbeknownest at the time. For human beings still
belittle the value of their senses in comparison to the mind
in understanding anything. The widening of the gap
accelerated during the rise of the sciences and is still
widening; in the meantime the sciences in general go on
their work with confidence and aloofness. Yet in the 20th
century we have begun to see signs of displeasure from the
sciences, especially in particle physics and the behavioral
sciences, which found themselves hampered by limitations and
lacunae in obtaining definite answers to the conditions in
the nature of things. The reason for this is that the realm
of the tangibles alone does not inform all that there is in
nature. Thus the so-called non-rational or irrational realm
which heretofore
had not figured in human understanding had to be taken into
consideration. Gradually, the subject or perceiver had to be
included in the overall structure of perception. It is
recalled that Sigmund Freud, one of the great modern