The traditional accounts of the early history of Tibetan
Buddhism are far from unbiased. They do not portray
accurately the history of Buddhism as it first moved into
that country. The political/social context was far more
complex than traditional accounts would lead one to believe.
Ch'an Buddhism was introduced into Tibet in three main
currents. These are: from Kim Ho-shang's teachings, from Wu
Chu's teachings and from Mo ho yen's teachings. The various
forms of Ch'an gained wide popularity. So much so that the
first Tibetan born abbot of the most important monastic
center, bSam yas, was a Ch'an master. At the same time the
rDzogs pa Chen po teachings from India were being introduced
by Vimalamitra and Vairocana. Doctrinally there are
considerable similarities between these two teachings. The
teachings of Vimalamitra became very popular in the central
district of Tibet. The teachings of Vairocana became popular
in the areas of Tibet near the Chinese border.
The rNyingma master Rong Zom lived at the time of Atisa.
Two generations before him the Ch'an teachings that survived
after the suppression of Ch'an (in Tibet), were unified with
the rDzogs pa Chen po teachings of Vairocana. Rong Zom
received the entire teachings of both Vimalamitra and
Vairocana. He was the first person to do so. After the time
of these two masters. Because the Ch'an teachings were
already preserved in the system of Vairocana, with Rong Zom
the whole of the rDzogs pa Chen po and Tibetan Ch'an were
This information is well documented in early rDzogs pa
Chen po texts and histories. Further references are to be
found in The Blue Annals. as well as material from Tun
In the past few years, there has been some attention paid
to the topic of rDzogs pa Chen po and its connections with
Ch'an.(1) Although the material that has been published has
exhibited excellent scholarship, it has not been very
extensive. There remains considerable work to be undertaken
in developing this area of research.
In the following paper, I hope to build on my other
published papers on this topic and add to our knowedge in
two ways.(2) First, I would like to show how the important
figure of Rong Zom played a key role in bringing the two
traditions together. Second, 1 would also like to show how
Ch'an thought was preserved and incorporated into the
structure of Tibetan Buddhism with its strong Indian based
gradualistic path approach. It will be shown that Rong Zom
was indeed instrumental in the uniting of these traditions
and that Ch'an, although having to go underground for a
period, emerged at the very pennicle of one school of
Tibetan Buddhism.
As is well known, Buddhism first started filtering into
Tibet at the time of Srong Sum Gam po who married both a
Chinese princess and a Nepalese princess. As legend has it,
both brought with them a statue of the Buddha. These statues
were duely enshrined and preceeded to become important
religious treasures of lasting inspiration.
Previous to this event, there were undoubtedly some
contact between central Tibet and Buddhism. Legend holds
that a copy of the Karandavyuha Sutra fell from the sky.
While the validity this story may have is undetermined, yet
it was used repeatedly to show the close connection of
Tibetan rulers with Buddhism and notably with