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Hinayana or Mahayana ?
Analyzing the interpretive positions of
the three masters of the late Ming on Things Do Not Move
Huang Kuo-ching

Assistant Researcher,

Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies

  Seng-zhao has been honored as being the "best Chinese interpreter of wunyata" and having a profound understanding of prajba and emptiness, as shown in the Book of Zhao, which is his interpretation of the scriptures expounding emptiness.  However, the T'ang Dynasty monk Cheng-guan criticized as "essentially Hinayanist" the viewpoint of Seng-zhao's essay Things Do Not Move that “the natures of things exist in a single moment".  Kong-yin Zhen-cheng of the late Ming criticized it as a non-Buddhist heresy, and many contemporary scholars also doubt whether it matches the doctrine of emptiness.  In this paper I will analyze the positions taken on Seng-zhao's Things Do Not Move by the "three masters of the late Ming," Yun-qi Zhu-hong, Zi-bo Zhen-ke, and Han-shan De-qing.  I will show that they refrain from fixating on the phraseology of individual sections, but interpret the contents of Things Do Not Move from a relatively comprehensive perspective and with an eye to exploring the fundamental spirit of the text.  Zhu-hong emphasized that the essay was written in response to conventional understandings of the Dharma, rather than as a direct manifestation of the meaning of emptiness, and thus embodies elements of skillful means.  He felt that Things Do Not Move should be read in conjunction with the three other essays in the Book of Zhao.  Zi-bo felt that contemporary figures on both sides of the dispute about Seng-zhao’s interpretation lacked profound understanding, and he criticized their arguments as superficial, suggesting instead that one could only appreciate the Seng-zhao’s inspired words through self-cultivation.  Han-shan specifically pointed out that the ultimate truth of all the dharmas was the import not only of this one essay, but the Book of Zhao as a whole.  The three masters’ interpretations have points of commonality, yet each is unique and can be used to appreciate the differences of their approaches and the complexities of the original text.



Key words: 1. Things Do Not Move 2. late Ming Dynasty debate regarding Things Do Not Move 3. Yun-qi Zhu-hong 4. Zi-bo Zhen-ke 5. Han-shan De-qing










 [1][1] 佛教论书有释经论和宗经论之分。释经论,是依经文次第解说的,如《大智度论》与《十住毘婆沙论》。宗经论,是依一经或多经而论究法义,如《中论》。参见释印顺:《空之探究》(台北:正闻,1985),页209。

 [2][2] 据牧田谛亮的统计,中、日两地历代为《肇论》所作注疏计存者十种,佚失者十三种。参见氏着:《中国佛教史研究》(东京:大东,1981),册1,页85~页96。

 [3][3] 见汤用彤:《汉魏两晋南北朝佛教史》(台北:商务,1968年台版),上册,页333。

 [4][4] 《高僧传.释僧肇传》记载僧肇先撰〈般若无知论〉、次作〈不真空论〉与〈物不迁论〉,最后作〈涅盘无名论〉。(《大正藏》卷50,页365上~下)与现行本《肇论》次序不同。冢本善隆指出《出三藏记集》卷12的陆澄《法论目录》与《高僧传.释僧肇传》皆将四论作个别的排列,可能是在南朝梁、陈时代由三论宗学人编纂为现行本《肇论》的次第,也许是陈代小招提寺的慧达将四篇论作编纂在一起。见〈佛教史上肇论意义〉,收于冢本善隆编:《肇论研究》(京都:法藏馆,1955),页102~页121。