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p. 305






p. 306





p. 307

A Reflection on the Contemporary Societyof China──From the Perspective of Buddhist Ethics

Lee Chih-fu
Researcher and Director, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies


Buddhism is originally a religion in India. It is onepart of the Indian culture. The characteristic of Indianculture is religion. The highest ethic of Indian religionis the seeking of liberation. However, it is still basedon the ethic of humanism.

Basically, the Chinese culture is humanistic. Therefore,its ethic also stresses on humanism, in particular, morality.Consequently, in the eyes of Chinese people, "morality" hasalmost become a pronoun of "ethic".

The morality of western people is to ask whether oneshould do or not, and their ethic is to ask whether one thingis good or not. The culmination of ethic is truth, goodnessand beauty. The western theologists ascribe truth, goodnessand beauty to God.

The religious ethic of Indian people is similar to that ofwestern religion, while their humanistic ethic is similiar tothat of Chinese moral ethic. Among Indian religions, exceptJainism, Buddhism is the religion which promotes peace most.

This paper examines the spirit of peace in Buddhism fromthree aspects. From the angle of history, most Indian experors,after taking refuge in Buddhism, would change from cruelty tokindness. From the angle of literature and scipture, there areno disrepectful and rude words but full of compassion andbenevolence. From the angle of infulence, the kings and evencommon people who believed in Buddhism were mostly prone topeace.

In the history of India, the period of Buddhism is calledthe Age of Commercialism. After Buddhism was introduced intoChina and even South-eastern Asia, a commercial society was also evolved. Nowadays,Buddhism is prospering in the whole world. It is also an ageof economic taking-off in China, Buddhism may worth reflectionin modern Chinese society.

关键词:1.Ethics 2.The period wihch Buddhism commercialism 3.Humanistic spirit

[1] Oroon Kumar Ghosh, The changing Indian civilization,pp.460~467,first published, July 1976。此外,我们还可举出若干文献说明佛教与商人之间的关系。

一、佛陀前生︰曾为一商人,名萨薄,因住宿过佛弟子家,听闻过佛法,心、口、身十善具足,与同贾五百人,想往富饶的邻国去经商,但有鬼神「阅义」食人当道,萨薄独力将其收服,救了五百商人。(旧薪譬喻经卷上‧《大正藏》卷 4,本缘部下,页510中~511上。)尚有《六度集经》中第33~39诸经,都有类似的故事。(《大正藏》卷 3,本缘部下,页19上~21下。)