Going back to the distinction introduced in the
first section, we can say that karman and world are
one because karman creates world. The posterior
karman appearing in the world (action) is created by
the karman prior to the world (Action), and is
therefore dependent on it. We tend not to notice
this crucial dependence because of our wrongheaded
belief in the independent, objective reality of
posterior karman. What this belief does, on the
practical level, is separate us from our karman
(objectification entails estrangement),
and this, in turn, endangers the possibility of
union. To perceive the dependence in question we
must deobjectify karman, which is done, once again,
through meditation practice. By deobjectifying
karman one renders it empty--one realizes or
actualizes its emptiness. As a result, one is freed
from the error of reification and hypostatization.
Hakuin speaks in his "Song of Zazen" of
extinguishing karman in just one meditation