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Chinese Wramana was a cleric of letters.

  The Monstic Order did so as a way of helping the clerics to make mingle with the learned Chinese gentries in order to introduce Baddhism to them.  Influenced by the Chinese Clerics, the Other East Asian Wramanas were also involoed themselves in secular learnings.

  The knowledge of secular learnings is a good assistant to the translation works.  For instance, the knowledge of Chinese etymology is very useful for chosing a most suitable Chinese character to render a centain Sanskrit term, while the lore of Chinese classics, however, is helpful for arranging the structure of the translated sentences so close to that of the Chinese classics in order to meet the reading taste of the Chinese gentries.  As a way of courting the gentries to gain ascess to the Chinese translated versions.

  As all the East Asian clerics’ minds fulled with secular learnings, in case a cleric who engaged in annotating a centain Buddhist scriptune or composing a Buddhist essay in order to promulgate Buddhism to the public, automatically his secular lores infiltrated into his work.  Therefore, the original Buddhist thoughts would have been more or less strayed or even distorted.

  Eeventhrough the original thought has already been strayed, but on the other hand, some new Buddhist theories therefore arose and these East Asian developed theories sometimes even outwit the original Indian doctrines.  Gradually the so-called “Sinolized Buddhism” then established.  Since Mahayana Buddhism being Sinolization, she becomes more and more popular in the East Asian nations till now.


Key words: 1. translation centre 2. secular learnings 3. the secular learnings supported the translation work 4. the original Buddhist doctrines being strayed and distorted 5. the establishment of Sinolized Buddhism









 [1][1] 越南的自然地理与气候是属于东南亚地区,行政地理的划分亦然。不过这国度在十世纪初由丁先皇(名丁部领,968~979在位)建立大瞿越国(史称「丁朝」)而正式独立之前,自秦朝以迄五代,越南曾经是中国的直属郡县凡千载,深受中国文化影响,故越南人所接受的佛教也是华夏的大乘佛教,有别于其它东南亚佛教国度如老挝、柬埔寨、泰国和缅甸之属小乘教区。走笔至此,想起1969~1975执教于新加坡南洋大学期间,曾阅读校中同学某年组团到泰国作文化考察后所作的报告,其中言及泰国本国沙门由泰王所委的「僧王」管辖而外,国内另有「华宗」与「越宗」,这些华人或越人的僧侣另由泰王各委同族僧人作「尊长」来领导。因为他们是大乘僧伽,有别于泰国的小乘出家众之故。

 [2][2] 即使西僧循海而来,在交趾郡(今越南河内一带)上岸,在那时仍是进入中国的土地,参注1。

 [3][3] 关于中印文字的差异与乎华人对梵文的最初了解,请参拙作〈华人对拼音文字初步认识的两项记载〉页142上~页143下,刊于《中国学人》第2期,香港,1970。

 [4][4] 觉训法师的年代推算如下:据《海东高僧传》卷1〈流通一之一〉开卷处略云:「若我海东,则高句丽味留王时,顺道(法师)至平壤城。自顺道入高句丽,至今八百四十年矣。」(页1015下)同书同卷〈释顺道传〉略云:「释顺道,不知何许人也。解味留王2年壬申6月,(前)秦(王)符(苻)坚(357~384在位)发使及浮屠顺道,送佛像经文。」(页1016上)按,华僧顺道送佛像经文至高句丽在「壬申年」,此年是苻坚在位的建元8年(372),由此下推八百四十四年,正是南宋宁宗(1195~1224在位)的嘉定9年(1216),故推知觉训的大致年代。


 [5][5] 日本人两次翻译佛经都在近代,其《国译一切经》(株式会社大东出版社出版)首册开卷处所载椎尾辨匡氏于昭和10年(1935)所撰的〈国译一切经解题〉,知道它译出是明治38年(1905)以后的事(页10)。这是根据现存的梵语、西藏语、汉语、蒙古语、满洲语和巴利语等各种写本相互参照而译出(页59~60)。而仕邦检《国译一切经》全书七十九册的不同出版日期,知道它是昭和4年至10年(1929~1935)的七年内先后刊布。其次,其《南传大藏经》(高楠博士功绩纪念会纂译,大正新修大藏经刊行会出版)则其全书六十五册是在昭和11年至16年(1936~1941)陆续译成刊出。

 [6][6] 〈论译场〉原刊于《新亚学报》5卷2期,香港,1963。是一篇考据文字。〈关于译场〉原刊于《现代杂志》3卷2、3期,香港,1966。是为了方便不惯念考据文字的读者而据〈论译场〉改写成叙述方式的一篇文字,并对旧论略作些补充和修正。如今两文都收入《中国佛教译经史论集》之中,东初出版社,台北,1990初版,1992一版二刷。现在本文引述上两篇文字的页数都据上述《论集》。

 [7][7] 缘于注6所提到两篇文字都发表于香港仍属英国殖民地的时代,限于当时大形势,香港以北地区的学人们难有机会读到它们,故在此对「译场」的组织与功能略陈一二。