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   This is a three-part study of the relationship between Chinese Buddhism and the construction of ethics.   The first part provides an introduction to the basics of Buddhist ethics-the principles of refraining from negative actions and embracing the positive; equanimity; loving kindness; compassion; benefiting both oneself and others, as well as lists of virtues such as the Five Precepts, Ten Positive Actions, four Amicable Qualities, and Six Perfections. Next, the paper analyzes the restructuring of Chinese Buddhist ethics, i.e., establishing, by means of omission, revision, comparison, inference, and supplementation, a unique system of ethical thought adapted to ancient Chinese society and Confucian ethics.   This had a positive historical impact on the societal, professional, and family ethics of ancient China and strengthened Confucian ethical thought.   Then the author moves on to explore, from five different perspectives, the value of Buddhist ethics in the construction of contemporary ethics: resolving modern cultural crises, establishing awareness of social responsibility; role models provided by the personalities of highly-accomplished Sangha and lay practitioners; the value of basic Buddhist ethical principles; and the universal significance of Buddhist ethics.   The study concludes with a categorical affirmation of the value and significance of Buddhist ethics in modern society.






[1][1] 《法句经》卷下,《大正藏》册4,页567中。

[2][2] 《辅教篇》,《镡津文集》卷2,《大正藏》册52,页657上。

[3][3] 《古尊宿语录》卷33,中华书局1994年版第620页。

[4][4] 《法苑珠林》卷64,《大正藏》册53,页774中。

[5][5] 详见《法苑珠林》卷73,《大正藏》册53,页837下~页842上。

[6][6] 《奉法要》,见《弘明集》卷13,《四部丛刊》影印本。

[7][7] 详见中村元《儒教思想对佛典汉译带来的影响》,载1982年第2期《世界



[8][8] 见《大正藏》册1,页71下。

[9][9] 见《大正藏》册1,页251中。

[10][10] 见《大正藏》册1,页641上。

[11][11] 见《大正藏》册9,页717中。

[12][12] 见陈寅恪《莲花色尼出家因缘跋》,载1932年《清华学报》第7卷第1



[13][13] 《长阿含经》卷2,《大正藏》册1,页11上。

[14][14] 《摩诃止观》卷6上,《大正藏》册46,页77中。

[15][15] 《大正藏》册52,页649上、中。