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(注15)E.D.E. p49~50,C.L.p80,「台版」页495,483行。
(注16)参圆测着,《解深密经疏》,大正续藏 34 套第 4册,卷 4,
(注17)同注 4,安井广济前揭书,页245-247。
(注18)E.D.Eckel p50, C.L.p80,「台版」页459,483行。
(注20)E.D.Ecel p50,C.L.p80,「台版」页495,483行。
(注21)E.D.Ecel p52,C.L.p81,「台版」页496,484行。
(注24)E.D.Ecel p52,C.L.p81,「台版」页496,484行。
(注25)E.D.Ecel p52,C.L.p81~82,「台版」页486,485行。
(注26)E.D.Ecel p53,C.L.p82,「台版」485行。
(注27)E.D.E.p53,并参见沈剑英着,《因明学研究》 (中国大百科全
(注31)E.D.E. p56,C.L.p83「台版」486行。
(注32)E.D.E. p57,C.L.p84「台版」486行。
(注33)E.D.E. p58,C.L.p85「台版」487行。
(注34)E.D.E. p58。
(注35)E.D.E. p58-59。
(注36)E.D.E. p59。
(注37)同注1,页 368。
(注38)E.D.E. p61。
(注39)同注1,页 366。
(注40)E.D.E. p69。
(注42)E.D.E. p70。
(注43)E.D.E. p71。
(注44)E.D.E. p71。
(注45)E.D.E. p72。
(注47)E.D.E. p73。
(注49)E.D.Eckel 着,大容译,〈清辨与早期中观学派之语言理论〉
Bhavaviveka's Critique of the "Three Nature" Theory in Yogacara
bye Tsau Ji-cheng
   In this article, the author examines the content and
implications of the "emptiness-being debate" in Indian
Buddhist history through a discussion of relevant original
sources and an analysis of the doctrines they present.
Especial attention is paid to Bhavaviveka's critique of the
concept of the "three naures" of the Yogacarins as revealed
in the Tibetan and subsequent English and Japanese translations
of the twenty-fifth chapter of his Prajnapradipa.
   First, of particular note in Bhavaviveka's critique of the
"three natures" is that he was the first to criticize the
Yogacarin concept of "mere names that do not refer to their
objects" inherent in "imagined nature" through the "language"
of "designation" and the "object" of "that which is designated
through the use of language." Second, it is important to note
that Bhavaviveka made full use of the principles of "the
threefold logical argument," as developed in Buddhist logic.
With these tools and from the perspective of the notions that
"dependent nature arises at the mundane level" and the
"unattainability of suchness," Bhavaviveka criticized the
Yogacarin existential assertion that by the "nothing withou
reason" principle, "dependent nature must exist," as well as
their claim for the "comprehensibility of absolute nature."
   Bhavaviveka's critique of the Yogacarin theory of "three
natures"carries the three following implications:(1) As
regards the relationship between "languae" and "reality," he
propounds the theory that "all phenomena xist through establ-
ishment by their own identity" at the level of conventional
truth;(2) In the history of Indian Buddhsim, he presages the
re-evaluation of Madyamaka in consideration of Yogacara;(3)