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[1] J.J.Clarke,Oriental Enlightenment:the Encounter between Asian and Western thought,P72,Routledge,1997.

[2] 关于西方佛学研究的详细内容,参考J.W.De.Jong,A Brief History of Buddhist Studies in Europe and America,Sri Satguru Publications,1987.

[3] Donald S.Lopez,Curators of the Buddha:the Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism,P7,the University of Chicago Press,1995.

[4] Heinrich Dumoulin,Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century,Pvii,Weatherhill,Inc,1992.

[5] Bernard Faure,Chan Insights and Oversights:an Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition,Chapter one,Princeton University Press,1993.

[6] Alan W.Watts,the Way of Zen,Pix,A Division of Random House,1957. 另外,Heinrich Dumoulin也说,禅的思维方式可以弥补西方哲学之不足,即禅的非理性的经验如何带入西方理性的思想传统之中,成为禅对西方的重要意义。见Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century,Px.

[7] Oriental Enlightenment:the encounter between Asian and Western thought,P75.

[8] 铃木大拙著,谢思炜译,《禅学入门》,北京三联书店,1988年版,第20页。

[9] Torataro Shimomura在“铃木大拙在人类思想史上的地位”(D.T.Suzuki’s Place in the History of Human Thought)一文中指出,铃木大拙有意识地强调禅与了西方思想传统主流的对立性。见A Zen Life:D.T.Suzuki Remembered,Ed.by Masao Abe,weatherhill,1986.就是说,铃木基本是在理性和非理性的二元对立的框架中向西方推荐禅的观念。这一强烈的对比立场,在当时西方思想界所流行的多元主义背景下,出现的某些神秘主义和反思理性的思潮之间特别易于找到契入。

[10] Heinrich Dumoulin指出铃木大拙为了使禅适应于西方的形式,他并没有恪守佛教和禅宗的传统进行写作,恰恰相反,他的英文禅学书写障碍了禅的佛教意义的特征,这也使得他那些西方听众以一种外在于佛教传统的方式来接近禅。见Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century,P8。而西方禅学的研究,后来也意识到铃木禅的问题而开始了反铃木禅的书写,这一点,在下文会有分析。

[11] 详见Robert H.Sharf,the Zen of Japanese Nationalism, Donald S.Lopez,Ed.,Curators of the Buddha:the Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism.

[12] 本文并无意详列西方语言禅学研究的书目,而只是提出有代表性的著作进行思想的分析。关于欧美禅学研究的主要著作书目,可以分别参考 Patricia Armstrong Vessie, Zen Buddhism : a bibliography of books and articles in English, 1892-1975 , University Microfilms International, 1976.

URS App,A Bibliography of Recent English Publications on Chan/Zen/Son Buddhism,《禅文化研究所纪要》,第十九号。Eli Franco,Buddhist Studies in Germany and Austria 1971-1996,Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,volume2,number2,1999. Christmas Humphreys,Zen come West:the Present and Future of Zen Buddhism in Western Society,Curzon Press,1977; [12] Heinrich Dumoulin, Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century;Bernard Faure, Chan Insights and Oversights:an Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition; Robert H.Sharf, the Zen of Japanese Nationalism等。 这里所提到的许多内容也是出自上述资料的综合,为了行文的方便,如果不涉及特别思想评论的,本文不一一详注出处,特此说明。

[13] Sharf,the Zen of Japanese Nationalism.

[14] 除铃木大拙之外,欧洲在二十世纪20至30年代,还出版了为数不少的禅学著作,参考Christmas Humphreys,Dr.D.T.Suzuki and Zen Buddhism in Europe一文中所列。

[15] Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century,P5.

[16] 同上,P7.

[17] Christmas Humphreys,Zen come West:the Present and Future of Zen Buddhism in Western Society,P15.

[18] 关于此详细的分析,参考Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century中第3、4章的相关部分。

[19]Christmas Humphreys,Zen come West:the Present and Future of Zen Buddhism in Western Society,P31,32.实际上,铃木以基督教比照禅的做法,后来受到许多西方学者,如Thomas Merton,Bernard Faure等人的批评,他们认为铃木对于基督教的知识还非常的肤浅。

[20] 同上,第87-96页。

[21] D.T.Suzuki’s Place in the History of Human Thought

[22]The Way of Zen,Px-xiv.

[23] Dale S.Wright,Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism,Cambridge University Press,1998,Pix.

[24] Lois O.Gomez,D.T.Suzuki’s Contribution to Modern Buddhist Scholarship, A Zen Life:D.T.Suzuki Remembered.

[25] Robert H.Sharf,the Zen of Japanese Nationalism.

[26] Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century,P66-67.

[27] 阿部正雄,《禅与西方思想》“序”,王雷泉、张汝伦译,上海译文出版社,1989年版,第1-3页。