hierarchy of being is possible. The human organism is
a complex higher order of being, a society of actual
entities; it is also called a "grouping of
occasions." In this respect, the traditional notions
of personal identity, ego, soul, individuality, etc.,
would have to be reassessed, and if they are to be
admitted they must be seen within the context of
related entities.
Whitehead is keen on justifying the doctrines of
becoming, being, and the relatedness of actual
entities. He cannot speak of one without implicating
the others. Thus, "Whenever we attempt to express the
matter of immediate experience, we find that its
understanding leads us beyond itself, to its
contemporaries, to its past, to its future, and to
the universals in terms of which its definiteness is
exhibited."(19) Moreover, in the immediate experience
he speaks of nonsensuous perception, which has a
great role in qualifying that experience. For
example, the knowledge of our immediate past is such
a perception.(20) A perception of this nature is also
an aspect of the continuity of nature, albeit in an
unseen way. In a more particular sense, the actual
entity in terms of its subjective form issues forth
the continuity of its own being.
The actual entity consequently is never static or
independent; it is perpetually becoming. It has its
prehensions and nexuus in harmony with the
becomingness of nature. It also has its "objectively
immortal" aspect, the not-being of being in the
passage of subjective forms. (21) The "objectively
immortal" aspect, in turn, is the potential for the
prehensions by other actual entities. The passage
from past to present and into the future is the
16. Adventures of Ideas, p. 201.
17. Process and Reality, p. 27.
18. Ibid., p. 29.
19. Ibid., p. 21.
20. Adventures of Ideas, pp. 232-235.
21. "The not-being of occasions is their 'objective
immortality.' A pure physical prehension is how
an occasion in its immediacy of being absorbs
another occasion which has passed into the
objective immortality of its not-being. It is how
the past lives in the present. It is causation.