techniques followed by the non-Buddhist sramana
sects make it clear that any agreeable mental
element automatically arieses when one
eliminates the disagreeable mental element.This
method was successfully followed by these sects
in order to get rid of any disagreeably vedana
? or sanna . But such accounts run counter to the
Law of Pratitya-samutpada which teaches that
"A" existing "B" come into existence.The
becoming of "B" is dependent on the prior
existence of "A".With the disappearance of "A"
"B" will also cease to exist.The non-existence
of anything ─ actual or nctional ─ cannot be
the determining cause for the becoming of
something. For example, the creation of a type
of pitisukha has been made to be dependent on the
disappearance of kama and akusaladhammas while
a more subtle type of pitisukha is generated by
the calming down of vitakka and vicara.Again
the arising of pure sukha and the feeling of
adukkhamasukham are dependent on the detachment
from piti and the giving up of sukha
respectively.It is obvious that the formulas of
the four rupa jhanas were created by those who
had no idea of the Law of Pratitya samudpada.
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of mind due to the influence of sukha on mind which
bends towards and intensely enjoys the feeling of
sukha.So Sukha is also given up by following the same
method of first generating aversion for sukha through
deliberations and then withdrawing attention from
it.The contents of judgemental deliberations in this
case comprise the grossness of jhana due to the
adverse effects of sukha.
It is to be noted that the undesirable mental
elements are without exception discarded in a state of
non-absorption in between the two meditative