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     of the `Mahayana` `sutras` are studied.


       It is pointed out that (1) the initial format of

     Samyukta  and Ekottara  has been used  by Shakyamuni

     Buddha in teaching  Dharma.  (2) At Buddha's  middle

     and old ages, the Buddha concluded the teachings  as

     nine or twelve branches  of scripture  which include

     Vast Texts (Vaipulya).  (3) In the first Council  at

     Rajagrha, the set of `sutra`  are  collected  in the

     order  of  Samyukta, Madhyama, Dirgha  and  Ekottara

     `agamas` , then the set of vinaya are collected.

     The content of the set of `sutra` is limited  to the

     topics of aggregates, sources, dependent arising and

     so forth, whereas  the Vast  Texts  are not included

     due to their large volume and different purpose. (4)

     In the second Council  at Vaisali, the set of vinaya

     are  collected  first, then  the set of `sutra`  are

     collected   in  the   order   of  Dirgha,  Madhyama,

     Samyukta, Ekottara and Ksudraka `agamas` .  (5)After

     the second  Council, sanghas  are divided  into Four

     Saint   Groups   (Sthaviravadinas,   Mahasamghikas,

     Vatsiputriyas, Sarvastivadinas) due to the debate of

     the meaning  of the Dharma  and  the  impact  of the

     philosophy of Vast Texts.  The set of abhidharma are

     collected  by  the  sthaviras  of Vatsiputriyas  200

     years  after the Nirvana  of the Buddha.  (6) In the

     Council  at Pataliputra, the set  of vinaya, `sutra`

     and abhidharma  are collected in succession, whereas

     the  set of `sutra`  is collected  in the  order  of

     Dirgha,  Madhyama, Samyukta, Ekottara  and  Ksudraka

     `agamas` .  The internal orders of the `sutra` in

     each `agamas` are rearranged, the


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     overlapping  parts of the `sutras`  among different

     `agamas`  are eliminated, and the sentences  in the

     set  of  `sutra`  are  adjusted  so that  they  are

     consistent  with those of the vinaya as recited  by

     Upali. (7) Because of the influence of the Councils

     and  the  difference  of  lineages, seen  different

     orders  of `agamas`  are formed.  We note that  the

     school  of Sarvastivadinas  is not a branch  of the