The problem here is that the walker is required to
traverse an infinite series of distances, which is
impossible. Since time is discrete, in order to
traverse each of the distances involved, the walker
requires at least one minim of time. Therefore the
journey requires an infinite number of such minims of
time, that is, an infinite duration, and for this
reason it can never be completed.
The paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise assumes
that space is discrete and time continuous. It goes
as follows:
The second is the so-called Achilles, and it amounts
to this, that in a race the quickest runner can never
overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first
reach the point whence the pursued started, so that
the slower must always hold a lead. This argument is
the same in principle as that which depends on
bisection, though it differs from it in that the
spaces with which we successively have to deal are
not divided into halves.(5)
In this case, the difficulty arises from the fact
that there is an infinite series of moments in which
the tortoise is running. In each moment, the tortoise
must traverse at least one minim of space. In order
to overtake the tortoise, Achilles must traverse each
spatial minim through which the tortoise has passed.
Therefore, Achilles would have to travel an infinite
distance in order to catch the tortoise. Like the
Bisection Paradox, this problem can be simply stated
thus: one can never complete an infinite series.
The Arrow Paradox, on the other hand, assumes
both space and time to be continuous.
The third is that already given above, to the effect
that the flying arrow is at rest, which result
follows from the assumption that time is composed of
moments: if this assumption is not granted, the
conclusion will not follow.(6)
Because time is infinitely divisible, and because
moments thus have no duration, at any given moment
the arrow is standing still in a space equal to its
length. Therefore, it is at every moment at rest, and
thus it never moves. Once again, the problem can be
simply stated: one cannot add a number of