The Praj~naapaaramitaa-hrdaya-suutra( 般若波罗蜜多心
经 )is not one of the Vij~naanavaada's texts, but
Kuei-chi (窥基 )in his PPHV( 般若波罗蜜多心经幽赞
)explains its meanings with Vij~naanavada's theories
by means of not only borrowing the theories from
LAS( 楞伽经 ), MSA (大乘庄严经论 )and YCBH 瑜伽师地
论 )etc., but also reconstructing their theories as
his new theories. Of these the "aatyantika" (阿颠底
伽 )appears in PPHV as the Fifth Nature implicating
three probledms, therefore, I explain in this paper
these three problems as follows:(1) Concering the
First Problem of why Kuei-chi omits the "icchantika"
(一阐提伽 )and "an-icchantika" or "aacchantika (阿阐
提伽 )in PPHV, I deal with the theories of LAS,MAS
and YCBH for the purpose of finding out the reason
which Kuei-chi claims that "agotra" (无种姓 ), the
Fifth Nature, contains three kinds: "icchantika",
"anicchantika" and "atyantika" in his VMSVY [c-k] (
成唯识论掌中枢要 ).(2) The Second Problem is that if
Kuei-chi does not support the theories of
"maahakaru.na-bodhisattva" (大悲菩萨 ), why does he
claim in PPHV that "avalokite'svara-bodhisattva" (观
自在菩萨 )has completed Enlightment? Regarding this
problem, I deal with the theories of
Saddharmapu.n.darika's Commentary( 法华玄赞 ), PPHV
and YCBh's Commenetary (瑜伽论记 )for the prupose of
proving that Kuei-chi permits the theories of
Mahaakaru.na-bodhisattva. (3) The Third Problem is
that if Kuei-chi holds that "agotra" is only
"atyantaagotra" (毕竟无种姓 ), why does he in PPHV
not only exlpain that both 8th and 7th vij~nanas are
good natures, but also select the "buddha-gotra" (佛
性 )and "tathaagata-garbha" (如来藏 )etc. for the
explanations of the natures of " chien-hsiang-cheng-
hsing" (遣相证性 ), one of the Five Vij~nanavada-
perceptions (五重唯识观 )? For this problem, I first
make a comparative table and then expain their
meanings for