IV Conclusion
The PPH (心经 )is not the Vij~naanakaana's text,
but Kuei-chi in his PPHV explains its meanings with
the Vij~naanavaada's theories by means of borrowing
the theories from YCBh and MSA et., He also
reconstructs their theories as his new theories, in
which the "aatyantika" appesrs in PPHVas the Fifth
Nature implicating three problems.
As concering the First Prolem of why" Kuei-chi
omits the "icchantika" and "an-icchantid,LA in PPHV,
I deal with the theories of "agotra" in LAS and MSA
for the purpose of proving that Kuei-chei selects
not only the two "icchantikas" of LAS for this
"icchantika" and "anicchantika", but also the
"atyntaaparinirvaa.na-dharma" (毕竟无涅盘法 )of MSA
for his "aatyantika", the Fifth Nature.Although he
selects the above three to make his new theories of
"agotra", he on the other hand, in his
VMSVY[c-k]mentions that "icchantiio" als has three
kinds of (1) "breaking good roots" (2)
"Mahaakaru.necchantika" (大悲阐提 )and (3) "agotra",
of these the first two will finally attain the
nirvaa.na, but only the third "aattyantika" of
"agotra" or "agotra" of "icchantika" absolutely can
not attain nirvaana.
Because of the "aatyantika", the Fares Nature,
and the other four natures (three vehicles and one
"anityata") appearing in PPHV have connections with
YCBH, therefore I deal with the theories of four
"gotras' in the BSBh, the YCBH VOL.37. Which are
reconstructed by Kuei-chi, in which I find that, in
PPHV, not only the "anityata" is an adittion, but
also the "aatyantika" is a substitution for
"agotra",the true meaning of "atyantaaparinirvaa.na-
dharma". Anyway the problem of why Kuei-chi omits
the other two "icchantikas"(impling the Mahaakaruna-
bodhisattva) in PPHV is not yet resolvd.
The Sekand problem is that, if Kuei-chi does not
support the theories of "Mahaakaru.na-bodhisattva",
why does he claim in PPHV that