won three vij~naanas in three states, have close
(3) The "aadaanavij~naana" in the thired state is
not only higher and longer in activities than
"aalayavij~naana" and "vipaakavij~naana", but
also the object of the "manas" in the third
state, which is different from the impure mind
(kli.s.ta-manas, 染污意 )mentioning in the texts
MSVy[v-p], 29 转识论 translated by Paramaartha.
At any rate Kuei-chi claims that both Eighth
Vij~naana an Seventh Vij~naana in the state of
supreme truth (paramaartha-satya, 胜义谛 )are good
and pure natures. This is why Kuei-chi selects the
theories of the pure mind "suunyataa", "tathataa",
"tathaagata-garbha." and "buddha-gotra" etc. for the
explanation of the nature of "chien-hsiang-chen-
hsing" (遣相证性 ), one of the Five vij~naanavaada-
perceptions( 五重唯识观 ) .In this case, it is
necessary to study the meanings of "gotra" because
it has connection with "agotra".
It is a well-known fact that the dictionaries of
Sanskrit tell us that "gotra" has such various
meanings of "protection for cows", "cow-shed",
"family", "race", "lineage", "gesns", "basis",
"species", "cause" and "seed" etc.30 Among them we
find the term "gotra-bhuu" (man of lineage) is first
introduced in the Early buddhist Canon. The "gotraa"
has the same meanings of "va^m'sa" (系统 )and "kula"
(家 ), and then this "gotra" is used as the
"aaryagotra" (圣人家系 ) in the general Indian
society, but in the Mahaayaana Buddhism, it is used
as "gotrastha", "gotra-bhuumi" or "tathaagata-gotra"
mentioned by Prof. Takasaki Jikido.31
Generally speaking this "gotra" is treated in
almost all of the mahaayaana-suutras32 with various