In this case, the opposite name of "agotra"
means "without-bija", or without-dhatu" etc.,
therefore the people live in "agotra" means that
they absolutly can not become buddhas. These
"agotra"'s theories of Indian vij~naanavaada were
not easily accepted by the Chinese buddhist during
the Tang Dynasty. It is a well-known fact that
before Hsuen-tsang (玄奘 ) went to India for
researching Buddhsim, there were many buddhist texts
holding the theories of the "ekayaana",
" buddha-dhaatu ( or Gotra ) " (佛 性), "tathaagata-
garbha" (如来藏 ), "amala-vij~naana" (阿摩罗识 ),
such as (大般涅盘经 )and
saddhar-mapu.ndariika-suutra ( 妙法莲华经 ) ,
Avata^msaka-suutra (华严经 )Ta-cheng-chi-hsin-lun (
大乘起信论 )etc are translated and studied by Indian
and Chinese buddhist scholars. Therefore, after
Hsuen-tsang had completed his studies in India, and
before he returned to China, he wished to delete the
theory of "agotra" from MAS etc., but his Great
Teach 'Silabhadra ( 戒贤, A.D.529-645 ) would not
permit this. This episode was mentioned by Tun-lun(
遁伦 )in his commentary of YCBH.36
From the above statements,I think that not only
Hsuen-tsang, but also Kuei-chi, the Chinese Buddhist
Scholars, understand that Chinese buddhists wish to
become the buddhas, and like to research the
buddhist suutras or 'saastras which teach the people
how to become the Buddhas. Therefore, Kuei-chi in
PPHV has his special theories of not noly the
Avalokite'svara-bodhisattva appearing as the, but also both Eighth
Vij~naana and Seventh Vij~naana possessing good
natures, which are different from YCBh and
Tri^m'sika etc. For these reasons, I would like to
say that it is a problem for Kuei-ch ino put the
"atyantika" as the Fifth Nature in PPH stead of the
Fourth Pudgala "agotra" in YCBh.