The dharma of without getting
(, 无般涅盘法 )is in the state
of "agotra" which has two-types:
(1) The aparinirvaana-dharma in time 10
(, 时边无般涅盘法 )wich
again has four kinds;
(a) du'scaritaikaantika (一向行恶行, absolutely
doing the bad deeds).
(b) "samucchinnaku'salamuula" (普断诸善 ([ 白 ]
根, utterly destroying the good roots)
(c) "amok.sabhaagiiya-ku'salamuula" (无有解脱分
[ 善根 ], without the good root of having to
do with liberation).
(d) "hinaku'salamuulas^mbhaara.h"
(善 [ 根 ], 少亦无因, the defeated good
roots and unperfect equipment for the
(2)The dharma of absolutely without getting (, 毕竟无涅
盘法 )means that the one who is absolutely with
the "hetu" (cause), by which there is no gotra
of attaining
Of the above explanations, the first
"" means that the one who is
temporarily without "gotra", but, when he meets the
Buddhas, good friends and good "pratyaya" (a
co-operating cause), he will regain his "gotra" and
become a buddha. Therefore, this "
dharma" is just the same as the two "icchantikas"
the "dejecting the good roots" and the
"bodhisattvecchantika" in LAS as mentioned before.In
this case the later " a"
has the real meaning of "agotra". This is why
Kuei-chi selects the above theories of LAS and MSA,
and claims that the Fifth Nature comprises