者, [ 闻此法已 ] 速证无上正等菩提) ( 据上述梵文
是: 趣于无上正觉者 )
(D) "ye caanavakraanta-samyaktva-niyaama antiyataas
tis.rsu bhuumi.su, te'srutva' nut-
taraayam samyaksambodhau cittam utpaadayisyanti."
(若有情类虽未入正性离生,而于 [三乘]不定者,闻此法
己皆发正等觉心 ")
From the above camparisions, we find that
there is no "gotra"( 性 )in SVPPP, the "sattvas"
(有情类 )in (B), (C), (D) and the "'srutvaa " (闻
[ 此法已 ])in (B), (C) are omitted in the
sanskrit text. And in (C) the "ye'nuttaram
samyaksambodhi^m samprasthitas" mean 趣于无上正等
菩提者 ", and in (D) the "tr.i.s.r.su bhumisu
means" 于三地 ". pl1,
4. VMSVy [c-k],( 枢要 )TTP,43,pp. 610-611, Fukaura,
Seibun ( 深浦正文 ): [ 唯识学研究] 永田文昌堂
Kyoto, 1954, Vol.2. PP.634-646.
5. PPHV (心经幽赞 ), TTP, 33, p.527c. Pesase see the
Appendix of this paper.
6. Kuei-chi explains three "citta-uttaapanas" (三练
磨心 ) , in PPHV, of which the Second " citta-
uttaapana"( 第二练磨心 ) the very important
bodhisattvacaryaa (菩萨行 )of PP are mentioned
for the explanations of Practicing PP in the
PPHV. Please see my articles: " 般若波罗磨多心经
幽赞三练磨心 " Indian and
buddhist Studies (Indogaku bukkyogaku-kenkyu. 印
度学佛教学研究 ), Tokyo, 1989, vol. 37, No.2
pp.806-813 and " 如何成佛一以窥基的三练磨心为中心
]- 『方东美先生的哲学』国际方东美哲学研讨会执行委
员会、 幼狮公司、 台北、 民国78年7 月 pp. 338,
7. VMSVY [c-k]( 枢要 ), TTP, 43, pp.610 , and in
p.612, Kuei-chi quotes ten statements from five
texts (1)" 涅盘经 " = TTP.12.pp431b, 518a, 554a-b
569a, 574b-c, 580b.(2). " 菩萨地持经 " or " 菩萨