meanings. Kuei-chi seems to respect the theories of
YCBh, from which he quotes the famous two kind
gotras of "prak.rtistha" (being in the original
state, 本性住 )and "samudaaniita" (acquired, or
brought together [by perfuming], 习所成 )in PPHV for
explaining that the one who owns these two
mahaayaana "gotras"can practice the five staged of
the Yogaacaara-vij~naanavaada's path.33
These two famous "gotras" are already quoted in
VMS. If we compare the explanations of VMS34 with
VMSVy [s-k] and PPHV, we can find that Kuei-Chi in
PPHV explains the "prak.rtistha-gotra" (本性住种性 )
to mean that the "prak.rti" (本性 )dwelling in the
Muulavij~naana ( 位本识 ) can produce the undefiled
[dharma] (无漏[法]).In other words this "undefiled
[dharma] (无漏 [ 法 ]) . In other words this
"undefiled [dharma] (无漏 [ 法 ] is produced by
"prakrti", the undefiled bija ( 无漏种 ), which
dwells in the Muulavij~naana ( 住本识 [ 第八识 ]).
This explanation is different from that explanation
of " 依附本识 " (depending on the Muula-vij~naana )
meantioned in VMS. Therefore Kuichi in his VMSVy
[s-k] only explains that " 无漏种无始自成 " (the
undefiled biija has completed itself from the
beginningless-time) without commen-
ting on the " 依附本识 ", But in his explanations of
the "samudaaniita-gotra" (习所成种性 ), we find " 令
无漏旧种增长 " (to cause the old undefiled biija to
grow). If the old undefiled biija of them means both
the primary undefiled biija of the "prak.rtistha"
and secondary underfiled biija of the
"samudaaniita", then it may be said the good
theories for the people to be buddhas, because they
can naturally possess the pure biija, and in
addition they always practice the bodhisattva's path
which causes their pure biijas to grow. This is why
the "gotra" is called "biija", "dhaatu" and
"prakrti" in BSbh and 'Sraavaka-bhuumi. 35