Chinese Vij~naanavadas.
2. VMS [h] Vij~naptimaatrataasiddhi 成唯识论 ),
TTP, 31, p.8a-b.
3. VMSVy [s] (成唯识论述记 ), TTP, fpp.2 230a, Of
them the theories of LAS, MAS and YCBh, I will
explain in the pp.3-7 of this paper. The other
texts are: (1) 无上依经 (TTP.16, pp.470b, 471b)
mentions the Four Persons (icchantika, tiirthaka
(外道 ) , 'sraavaka, pratyekabuddha) and the
bodhisattva who possesses the supreme quality and
practices the Mahaayana.(2) Mahaa-PP (大般若 )
vol. 593( TTP, 7, p.1066a-b), in which the
"agotra" is omitted. These passage of Four
Persons are quoted by Kuei-chi in his VMSVy[c-k](
成唯识论掌中枢要, TTP,.43 p.610b), I-lin-chang (
义林章, TTP, 45, p.264c) and Fa-fua-shin-tsan (法
华玄赞, TTP, 34, p.656b-c ) . (3)
Suvikraanta-vikrami-parip.rccha-PP(SVPPP, 善勇猛
般若经, or 2,500 颂般若经 )ed. By Hikata,Ryusho (
千舄龙祥 ), Committee of Commemoration Program
for Dr.Hikata's Retirement from Professorship,
Kiushu University, Japan, 1958, pp.4-5. According
to the theory of Dr. Hikata, this sanskrit text
of SVPPP are corresponding to the Vols., 593-600(
第 16 会 ) of Mahaa-pp ( TTP, 7, pp.1065-1110).
Therefore I select the passages of Four Persons
from the above two text as follows:
(A) "ye satvkaa niyataa.h 'sravakayaane bhavi.syanti
te 'sruutvaa k.sipram anaasravaam bhuumi^m
saaksaatkarisyanti." (若有情类于声闻乘性决定者闻
此法已速能证得无漏地 ).
(B) "ye pratyekabuddhayaane niyataa bhavi.syanti,te
ksipra^m pratyeka-buddhayaanena niryaa.syanti."
(若有情类于独觉乘性决定者, [ 闻此法已 ] 速依自乘
出离 ).
(C) "ye nuttaraa^m samyaksambodhi^m samprasthitaas,
te k.sipram anuttaraa^m samyaksambodhim
abhisambhotsyante." ( 若有情类无上 [ 乘性决定 ]