"aatyantika" of the three "icchantikas" or
"agotras", means that the one who absolutely has
no nature to be a Buddha; the latter term
"aatyantika-gotra" (毕竟种姓 ), representing the
second name "an-icchantika" (or Mahaakaru.necch-
antika, 大悲阐提 ) of three " agotras " or
"icchantikas", means that the one who absolutely
has nature to be a Buddha. Therefore, the
"aatyantika" in the PPHV has above two meanings.
(2) The " 颠 " of " aatyantika " ( 阿颠底迦 ) can be
interpreted as a misprint of the " 阐 " of
"an-icchantika" (阿阐提迦 ), because both the "(
阿颠底迦 )" and " 阿阐提迦 " belong to the Fifth
Nature of FND in VMSVy [c-k] (枢要), the later
term " 阿阐提迦 ", especially not only"means the
Mahaakaru.nabodhisattva, but also represents
the Avalokite'svara-bodhisattva (观自在菩萨) in
Aside from these two keys, should it be
suggested that the "agotra" be retrieved as the
Fifth nature, I, of course, would also accept
this suggestion, because the "agotra" contains
"icchantika","an-icchantikahicl and "aatyantika",
caimed by Kuei-chi in his VMSVY [c-k].
(This pape was read at the Ninth Conference of
the International Association of buddhist Studies,
The National Central Library, Taipei, Republic of
China, July 26-28, 1989).
1. The theories of Four Aspects (四分说); the Three
Vehicles and Five Dstinctive Natures( 三性, 五种
分别 ); the Theories of Eight Vij~naanas(八识说)
); the Three Categories's Objects (三类境 ); the
Five Vij~naanavada's Perceptions (五重唯识观).
The above theories are consicered the important