vol.593, MSA (Mahaayaanasuutraannkara, 大乘庄严经论
) vol.1., and YCBh (Yogaacarabhuumi, 瑜伽师地论
)vol.21.for the purpose of proving that these texts
mentioned the FDN. But he does not explain the
meanings of the FDN, because in his other
commentary of VMSVy[c-k]( 成唯识论掌中枢要 ),4 he
has already explicated them in all details. In them
we find the Fifth "agotra" (without lineage, 无种姓
) containing (1) " icchantika " ( 一阐提伽 ) (2)
"an-icchantika, or "aacchantika"( 阿阐提伽 ) and
(3)"atyantika"( 阿颠底伽,ah-tien-chi-chia).
Now this "atyantika" appears as the Fifth Nature
("gotra", lineage) with the other three natures of
the three vehicles( 三乘 )and one nature "anityata"
(不定 , undetermined one), in his commentary of
PPHS.5 (Praj~naapaaramitaa-hrdaya-suustra, 般若波罗
蜜多心经),named Pan-jo-po-lo-mito-hsin-chin-yu-tsan,
(般若波罗蜜多心经赞 ). These five names of FDN only
appear as the representotions of the five different
persons in practicing the boddhisattva's path (菩萨
行 )without any explanation of their meanings and
characteristics in PPHV.
PPHS( 心经 ) , of course, is not the
Vij~naanavaada's text, but Kuei-chi explains the
practicing PP (Praj~napaaramita, 般若波罗蜜多 ), the
Second "cittauttaapana"6 (第二练磨心 ), with the
theories of the vij~naanavaada, in which he
sometimes explains with his own special theories
which are different from not only the texts of
Tri^m'sikaa, VMS, but also the YCBh. If we compare
these theories, we will find that this "aatyantika"
in PPHV has some problems. Therefore, I will attempt
to explain in this paper what the meanings and
problems this "aatyantika" has in the PPHV.
I. The First Problem of "aatyantika"
(A) The "agotra" in LAS & MSA"
Why does Kuei-chi omit "icchantika" and
"an-icchantika" in the PPHV? As concerning this