"aatyantika" of "agotra" and the "agotra" of
"icchantika" absolutely can not attain the
nirvaa.na. In other words, the only "aatyantika" and
"agotrec-chantika" are absolutely without becoming
the buddhas.
(B) The "agotra" in YCBh
Now we come back to the PPHV, in which Kuei-chi
mentions the "atyantika" (阿颠底迦 )as the fifth
Nature without explaining not only the other two of
"icchantiaka" and "an-icchantika", but also the
"atyantika" itself. Why does he omit the
"icchantiaka" and "an-icchantik" in this PPHV? As
concerning this problem, in the next step it is
better for us to research the theories of BSBh = =
Bodhisattvabhumi (菩萨地 )of YCBh = Yogaacaarabhuumi
(瑜迦师地论 )to find out its relation with PPHV,
because Kuei-chi borrows many theories of
bodhisattvacaryaa (菩萨行 ) from BSBh for the
explanations of Practicing PP, the Second
"Citta-uttaapana" (第二练磨心 )in PPHV.
It is a well-known fact that the various names
and theories of "gotras" and "pudgalas" are broadly
explicated in YCBh vols. 21,37, 52, 57, 67 without
mentioning the names and theories of the Five
Natures altogether in its one place. But genearlly
speaking, the theories of Five Natures are treated
in YCBh, 12 therefore, I find the four names of
"pudgalas" connecting with three gotras and one
"agotra" in YCBh vol.37 as follows. 13
(1) "'sraavaka-gotra.h 'sraavaka-yane (the one
possessing the "'sraavaka" (listener)'s gotra,
声闻种姓, in the vehicle of 'sraavaka, [should
be natured as his pudgala]. ( 住声闻种姓, 于声闻
乘应可成熟补特伽罗 ).
(2) "pratyeka-buddha-gotra.h pratyekabuddha-yaane"
(the one possessing the "pratyekabuddha"
(self-enlightened one) 's gotra in vehicle of